For the Love of Leeks Soup


Leeks are on the list for autumn.  According to traditional Chinese medicine, they have a sour flavor, which is astringent and associated with the liver.  As a member of the onion family, they also influence the lungs and promote warmth.  If you’re the green thumb type, you can grow them. If you’re more of the brown thumb, plant-killer type, such as me, with a little guidance from Happy DIY Home, leeks are easier than you think to grow. Once you’ve grown them, or procured them from your local farmer’s market, what to do with them? Soup!!

Soup is also a focus of fall, high in moisture content, helping you to stay hydrated. Wait, but it's still hot here in southern California.  Who wants soup on a hot autumn day?  Some might; others will want a cooler concoction.  With this leek soup, you can supply healthy goodness and serve it hot or cold.  Enjoy! 

For the Love of Leeks Soup served with Bosc and Red Anjou pears.  

For the Love of Leeks Soup served with Bosc and Red Anjou pears.  


For the Love of Leeks Soup

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 leeks, bulb only, sliced into rings

4-5 potatoes, diced, approximately 16 oz or 2 cups

2-3 cups broth, chicken or vegetable

Kosher or sea salt to taste

Optional herbs & spices:  thyme, sage or pepper

In large soup pot pour in olive oil.  Add sliced leeks, cover and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.  Add potatoes, broth, and a pinch or two of salt.   Raise heat to medium and boil until potatoes have softened.  Cool and add mixture, in small batches, to food processor or blender.  How long you blend or process is a matter of preference.  We prefer a little texture so we don't blend as long.  Once blended, add mixture back into pot.  Serve soup hot or cold.  Sprinkle spices noted above or drizzle a bit of olive oil on top for garnish and flavor.  

Cook's notes:  we used small golden potatoes, hence the golden tint of the soup.  

Serving suggestions:  in keeping with the autumn theme we served it with pears on the side (see photo above), but a drizzle of cream atop wouldn't hurt either.